Gardens in Brittany - France Tourism

The most beautiful parks and gardens in Brittany : 89 parks

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Côtes-d'Armor (22)

Kerdalo Gardens   Trédarzec - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Kerdalo Gardens

Kerdalo Gardens in Brittany : Created by Peter Wolkonsky between 1965 and 1970. Kerdalo Garden forms part of a 16 ha valley opening up in front...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Monument Historique
  • Arbres Remarquables

The Kitchen Garden of Ar Duen   Saint-Launeuc - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

The Kitchen Garden of Ar Duen

The Kitchen Garden of Ar Duen and the rose garden : AR DUEN is situated at SAINT-LAUNEUC, a charming little village in the center of Brittany,...

The Polypodes Garden   Yvignac-la-Tour - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

The Polypodes Garden

Delight and a total change of scenery are the two most important keywords when it comes to describing the Polypodes Garden. This over fifty year...

  • Jardin remarquable

Garden of the Farm of Yore   Plédéliac - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Garden of the Farm of Yore

Garden of the Farm of Yore : During your visit to the ecomuseum of The Farm of Yore (Jardin de la Ferme d'Antan), you can discover this garden...

A Garden in Town   Gouarec - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

A Garden in Town

A Garden in Town : Right next to the Nantes to Brest Canal, in the middle of a charming little town in Brittany, Gouarec, the garden consists...

  • Jardin remarquable

Parc et Jardins du Château de la Roche Jagu   Ploëzal - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Parc et Jardins du Château de la Roche Jagu

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Roz-Maria Park   Quintin - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Roz-Maria Park

Roz-Maria Park : The borough council obtained the convent of barefoot Carmelite monks on the 21st of August 1978. The lower part we find a public...

Ty-Coat Park   Saint Brieuc - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Ty-Coat Park

Ty-Coat Park. Ty-Coat Park has been in existence a long time, but became the property of the city in 1937. Several years of work were needed...

The Promenades Park   Saint Brieuc - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

The Promenades Park

The Promenade Park offers you the discovery of remarkable trees and massed shrubbery , animated by changing patterns of light and shade throughout...

Jardin du Val Cocherel   Dinan - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardin du Val Cocherel

Jardin du Val Cocherel : De la naissance de DINAN jusqu’au XIX ème siècle, la façade Ouest de la Ville était protégée par une profonde...

Jardin Public de Guingamp   Guingamp - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardin Public de Guingamp

Jardin Public de Guingamp : Le jardin municipal constitué de parterres dus à l'horticulteur Liberge, est inauguré en 1913. À la mort du Maire...

Park Of The Val Manor   Planguenoual - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Park Of The Val Manor

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc et Jardins du Château de Rosanbo   Lanvellec - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Parc et Jardins du Château de Rosanbo

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc et Jardins du Château du Colombier   Hénon - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Parc et Jardins du Château du Colombier

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Le Sentier Musical et le Jardin Sonifère   Cavan - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Le Sentier Musical et le Jardin Sonifère

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardins Les Forges-des-Salles   Perret - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardins Les Forges-des-Salles

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin du Château de Couellan   Guitté - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardin du Château de Couellan

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Herbarius   Planguenoual - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany


We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Bienassis Castle and Gardens   Erquy - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Bienassis Castle and Gardens

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc du Château de La Touche   Trébry - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Parc du Château de La Touche

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin de l'Écocentre Trégor   Pleumeur Bodou - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardin de l'Écocentre Trégor

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardins et Verger Conservatoire de l'Abbaye de Beauport   Paimpol - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardins et Verger Conservatoire de l'Abbaye de Beauport

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardins du Château de Kergrist   Ploubezre - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardins du Château de Kergrist

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin L'Arc en Ciel   Ploubezre - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardin L'Arc en Ciel

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin au Bout de la Lande   Plevin - Côtes-d'Armor (22) - Brittany

Jardin au Bout de la Lande

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Finistère (29)

Roscoff Exotic and Botanic Garden   Roscoff - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Roscoff Exotic and Botanic Garden

The Roscoff Exotic and Botanic Garden shows to the public one of the largest collection of the Southern Hemisphere plants and a large range of...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Conservatoire Français des Collections Végétales
  • Arbres Remarquables
  • Jardin Botanique de France
  • Qualité Tourisme

Daoulas Abbey Gardens   Daoulas - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Daoulas Abbey Gardens

Daoulas Abbey Gardens : Of the old abbey founded in 1167 by the regular Saint Augustin canons, only a Romanesque church and cloister remain,...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Monument Historique

Park And Gardens Of Trévarez Castle   Saint-Goazec - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Park And Gardens Of Trévarez Castle

Park And Gardens Of Trévarez Castle : Designed a century ago, at the same time as the astonishing rose castle it surrounds was built, Trévarez...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Monument Historique
  • Conservatoire Français des Collections Végétales
  • Patrimoine du XXème Siècle

Parc de l'Abbaye du Relec   Plounéour-Ménez - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc de l'Abbaye du Relec

Le parc est aujourd’hui un espace naturel préservé. Mais au temps des moines c’est un domaine agricole prospère, avec des aménagements...

Parc du Château de Kerjean   Saint-Vougay - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc du Château de Kerjean

Parc du Château de Kerjean : Kerjean s’élève au cœur d’un vaste espace naturel de 20 hectares qui met en scène l’édifice. Le promeneur...

Parc du Manoir de Kernault   Mellac - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc du Manoir de Kernault

Parc du Manoir de Kernault : Propriété du Département du Finistère depuis 1990, Kernault reste fidèle à sa vocation rurale à travers un...

Jardin du Conservatoire botanique national   Brest - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Jardin du Conservatoire botanique national

Au Jardin du Conservatoire botanique national de Brest, vallon du Stangalar, éveillez vos sens et partez à la découverte des plantes en danger...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Jardin Botanique de France

Jardin de la Retraite   Quimper - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Jardin de la Retraite

Le Jardin de la Retraite à Quimper, situé à l'intérieur des remparts de l'ancienne ville fortifiée, d'une surface d'environ un demi-hectare...

Jardin du Prieuré de Locmaria   Quimper - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Jardin du Prieuré de Locmaria

Le jardin médiéval du prieuré de Locmaria à Quimper : Situé le long de l’Odet, à proximité du prieuré, le jardin est aménagé à...

  • Jardin remarquable

Le Jardin des Explorateurs   Brest - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Le Jardin des Explorateurs

Le Jardin des Explorateurs de Brest : Jardin dédié aux explorateurs maritimes (Bougainville, La Billardière, Commerson...) du 18ème siècle...

Parc du Manoir de Squividan   Clohars-Fouesnant - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc du Manoir de Squividan

Parc du Manoir de Squividan : Gré par le Musée breton, le domaine de Squividan (Clohars-Fouesnant) a été légué au Département du Finistère...

Parc Botanique de Cornouaille   Combrit - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc Botanique de Cornouaille

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc et Jardins du Château de Kergroadez   Brélès - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc et Jardins du Château de Kergroadez

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Le Jardin de Danyland   Plougonven - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Le Jardin de Danyland

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin Botanique des Montagnes Noires   Spézet - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Jardin Botanique des Montagnes Noires

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc du Château de Kérazan   Loctudy - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc du Château de Kérazan

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc et Jardins du Château de Lanniron   Quimper - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc et Jardins du Château de Lanniron

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Un Jardin à Landrévarzec   Landrévarzec - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Un Jardin à Landrévarzec

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Les Jardins de Treuscoat   Scaër - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Les Jardins de Treuscoat

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

The Exotic Garden of Saint-Renan   Saint-Renan - Finistère (29) - Brittany

The Exotic Garden of Saint-Renan

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc du Site abbatial de Saint-Maurice   Clohars-Carnoët - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Parc du Site abbatial de Saint-Maurice

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Georges Delaselle Garden   Île-de-Batz - Finistère (29) - Brittany

Georges Delaselle Garden

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Ille-et-Vilaine (35)

The Park and Gardens Of Montmarin   Pleurtuit - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Park and Gardens Of Montmarin

The Park and Gardens Of Montmarin : Close to Dinard and St Malo, just north of Rennes (45 minutes), the ”Montmarin”, only ”malouinière”...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Monument Historique
  • La Demeure Historique

The Gardens Of La Ballue Castle   Bazouges-La-Pérouse - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Gardens Of La Ballue Castle

The Gardens Of La Ballue Castle : Listed as historical Monument, La Ballue Garden, is marked intrinsically by a sense of ”wonder”, a series...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Monument Historique
  • Vieilles Maisons Françaises
  • Conservatoire Français des Collections Végétales
  • La Demeure Historique
  • Qualité Tourisme

Botanical Park Of High Brittany   Le Châtellier - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Botanical Park Of High Brittany

Botanical Park Of High Brittany : The alley of white pearls leads to the entry of the Floral Park of High Brittany. As soon as we have crossed...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Tourisme & Handicap
  • Qualité Tourisme

The Broceliande Gardens   Bréal-sous-Montfort - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Broceliande Gardens

The Broceliande Gardens : Just like in the nearby forest of the same name, a visit to Brocéliande Gardens takes you to magic places. Myths,...

  • Jardin remarquable
  • Conservatoire Français des Collections Végétales
  • Tourisme & Handicap
  • Qualité Tourisme
  • Eco Jardin

The Rocambole Gardens   Corps-Nuds - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Rocambole Gardens

The Rocambole Gardens : Fifteen kilometers south of Rennes, Luc Bienvenu and Christine Bannier's vast landscape garden of 6000 m² is open to...

  • Jardin remarquable

The Jean Huchet Arboretum   Gennes-sur-Seiche - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Jean Huchet Arboretum

The Jean Huchet Arboretum : In a bucolic environment, the arboretum shows the nursery workers' know-how. In a landscape park, it assembles more...

Park and Botanical Garden Of Thabor   Rennes - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Park and Botanical Garden Of Thabor

Park and Botanical Garden Of Thabor : Park of 10 ha superficies. In 1610 it is a garden belonging to Saint Melaine Abbey. At the end of the 18th...

  • Eco Jardin

La Briantais Park   Saint-Malo - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

La Briantais Park

Briantais's park. Bought in 1999, it used to be regular terrace gardens surrounding a manor house. Then the layout got looser under the influence...

  • Arbres Remarquables

The Park Of Port Breton   Dinard - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Park Of Port Breton

Le parc de Port Breton est un parc municipal de 2,3 hectares arboré et fleuri. Construit en 1923 le manoir surplombe le parc et offre une superbe...

The Public Garden Of Fougères   Fougères - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

The Public Garden Of Fougères

Right next to Saint Leonard church, the public garden offers a remarkable view of the castle, Saint Sulpice church and the surrounding countryside....

Arboretum de La Tour du Guesclin   Grand Fougeray - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Arboretum de La Tour du Guesclin

Dans le Parc de la Tour Du Guesclin au Grand-Fougeray, vous trouverez un arboretum et un plan d’eau, classés espace naturel sensible, et propriété...

  • Monument Historique

Le Jardin de l'Eau   Saint-Germain-en-Coglès - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Le Jardin de l'Eau

Le Jardin de l'Eau : Ce bel écrin de verdure composé de zones humides et boisées s'étend sur 6 hectares. Cet espace naturel entretenu en...

Jardin des Arts - Parc d'Ar Milin'   Châteaubourg - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Jardin des Arts - Parc d'Ar Milin'

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc du Château de Bonnefontaine   Antrain - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Parc du Château de Bonnefontaine

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Le Jardin Exotique de Cosy Home   Melesse - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Le Jardin Exotique de Cosy Home

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Château et Jardins de la Bourbansais   Pleugueneuc - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Château et Jardins de la Bourbansais

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin des Pépins   Cesson-Sévigné - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Jardin des Pépins

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc de l'Écomusée de la Bintinais   Rennes - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Parc de l'Écomusée de la Bintinais

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc du Château de Caradeuc   Bécherel - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Parc du Château de Caradeuc

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc et Jardin du Château du Bois Orcan   Noyal-sur-Vilaine - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Parc et Jardin du Château du Bois Orcan

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Château de Combourg et son Parc à l’Anglaise   Combourg - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Château de Combourg et son Parc à l’Anglaise

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Château des Pères - Parc de Sculptures et Jardin   Piré-sur-Seiche - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Château des Pères - Parc de Sculptures et Jardin

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardins de La Malouinière du Puits Sauvage   Saint-Malo - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Jardins de La Malouinière du Puits Sauvage

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc de la Malouinière de La Ville Bague   Saint-Coulomb - Ille-et-Vilaine (35) - Brittany

Parc de la Malouinière de La Ville Bague

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Morbihan (56)

The Gardens Of Vénus de Quinipily   Baud - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

The Gardens Of Vénus de Quinipily

The Gardens Of Vénus de Quinipily were created to emphasize ”la statue”, classified ancient monument. It is an english style, terraced...

Caradec Garden   Saint Nolff - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Caradec Garden

Caradec Garden : Landscape park of one and a half hectares, nestling smug in its vale, with brook, waterfall, bridge and pond, where a large...

Jardin Eden du Voyageur   Sauzon - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Jardin Eden du Voyageur

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Chevassu ' Garden   Lorient - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Chevassu ' Garden

Chevassu ' Garden : This garden consists of a 2,3 hectares valley with a river and two lakes. You can still see the old watercourse, built in...

  • Jardin remarquable

Circuit des Hortensias   Ploërmel - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Circuit des Hortensias

Le circuit des hortensias à Ploërmel dans le Morbihan (56), unique en Bretagne, vous invite à la flânerie mais aussi à la découverte botanique....

  • Conservatoire Français des Collections Végétales

Jardin Public de Vannes   Vannes - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Jardin Public de Vannes

Jardin Public de Vannes : Situé au pied du patrimoine historique le plus remarquable de Vannes, ce site est l'un des fleurons vannetais. Plusieurs...

Park of the Castle of Tronjoly   Gourin - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Park of the Castle of Tronjoly

The Park of the Castle of Tronjoly is a bosky bower in the middle of which nestles a castle of the eighteenth century, built on the ruins of...

Parc de Sculptures du Domaine de Kerguehennec   Bignan - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Parc de Sculptures du Domaine de Kerguehennec

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin du hameau de Lopriac   Kervignac - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Jardin du hameau de Lopriac

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin le Clos du Lavoir   Moréac - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Jardin le Clos du Lavoir

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc animalier et botanique de Branféré   Le Guerno - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Parc animalier et botanique de Branféré

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin Botanique Yves Rocher   La Gacilly - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Jardin Botanique Yves Rocher

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Les Jardins de La Peignie   Ménéac - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Les Jardins de La Peignie

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Jardin du Prahor   Arzal - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Jardin du Prahor

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Parc de Sculptures et Arboretum de La Mare au Poivre   Locqueltas - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Parc de Sculptures et Arboretum de La Mare au Poivre

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Park Of Josselin Castle   Josselin - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Park Of  Josselin Castle

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

Château et parc de la Ville-Huë   Guer - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

Château et parc de la Ville-Huë

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!

The hydrangea Garden of Haut-Bois   Taupont - Morbihan (56) - Brittany

The hydrangea Garden of Haut-Bois

We have not been informed about opening times and prices for 2024 yet. Please be sure to read up on them before visiting the site!