Greenhouses St Georges Horticulture Pavard - Saint-Georges-Montcocq (50) - Manche - Normandy - France

Greenhouses St Georges Horticulture Pavard Saint-Georges-Montcocq - Manche (50) - Normandy

Greenhouses St Georges Horticulture Pavard : The company Aux Serres de St Georges' specialty is culture and selling of various species of plants. A great number of private and professional clients and communities from Saint-Lô, Bayeux and Coutances are our faithful clients. We have on offer all kinds of green plants, plants for your borders, vegetable plants and various seasonal flowers to enrich your garden. We also propose personalized floral arrangements to embellish your interior spaces. Created in : 2010
Surface : 1 hectare
Specialties : tree and bushes ; fruit trees ; bamboos ; floral compositions ; olea ; annual plants ; indoor plants ; potted plants ; green and flowering plants ; vegetables plants ; christmas trees
Sales types :

  • sale on site (VSP)
  • by appointment (RDV)
  • Drive Sale (VPD)
  • Sale to professionals only
  • Selling to private persons
  • Selling to professionals
Labels and certifications :
Val'hor- Les Professionnels du Végétal

  • Opening

    Open from Monday to saturdat from 9 to 12 am and from 2 to 6.30 pm.

  • Access :
    GPS (Lat x Long) : 49.131349000, -1.101727000