The Ecotière nuesery plant : Cultivating Nature, Nourishing Dreams
Our specialities? Ancient fruit trees, delicious small fruit, et medicinal plants. In springtime, our collection grows with young plants for the kitchen garden. We also cultivate trees for hedgerows from local seeds. There are selections in pots or with bare roots.
But l'Écotière is much more than a nursery. It is the fruit of a seven-year around-the-world adventure, where our founder, Rémi Parmentier, has visited twenty countries in order to get immersed in the local farmers' know-how. Based on this experience, he now produces young plants for plantation projects that respect the environment and biodiversity.
Enter a world of botanic diversity and durability at L'Écotière nursery, a place where old know-how meets modern production methods. Created in : 2021
Surface : 3ha Specialties : fruit trees ; young tree seedlings and ornamental shrubs ; small fruit trees ; plants with perfume ; annual plants ; aromatic plants ; hedge trees ; medicinal plants ; perennials ; perpetual and ancient vegetable plants ; forest trees ; vegetables plants ; apple cider
Collections : Pyrus : 30 varieties ; Malus : 30 varieties ; Prunus : 30 varieties
Online sales
Sales types :
Open Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
Reception all week by appointment. Do not hesitate to contact us or visit our website!
Home delivery possible.